Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Look what came out of our garden yesterday.

It doesn't matter that it's a little misshapen.  It doesn't have to be perfect to fill my house of aspiring farmers with great joy.

And then I put it in my daughter's lunch today, the ultimate present.

How great is a world where we can grow our own strawberries?


  1. I once planted strawberries. And coo-ed and fussed over them. And watered them. And watched them. And just when I thought I'd get a ripe one, it would be gone.

    Aurora was eating them.

    She doesn't like blueberries. I now have 14 blueberry bushes. How great is the world that has strawberries *and* blueberries?

  2. Thank you - celebrating the small things is amazing! I think that we all can use a reminder from time to time. Our world gets so fast...and so crazy at times that we forget to just slow down the train and celebrate the small stuff!
