Friday, June 4, 2010

Promises Kept

I think my heart may have grown two sizes today.

Somehow-- amidst all that is broken in me, and a world with oil spills, and the inhumanity of people who are often armed with guns-- the fact that my garden is giving me the promise of this tiny green tomato has filled me with hope.

Today, I am going to live inside that hope. I'm going to return to it whenever I feel knocked back. 

Today, I choose hope.


  1. Hi Barb-

    I have had a lot going on this week. Today I need hope. Thanks for reminding me to live inside my hope. May all of our hearts continue to grow. Hope all is well.

  2. I love the tomato photo. Ours aren't even in the ground yet because we've had so much rain. But I know exactly how you feel when I see your photo... good job!
